Our Governors

The Governing Body of East Claydon Church of England School consists of volunteers drawn from various groups who provide a range of skills and expertise to assist the school in its governance. The Governing Body consists of:

  • Local Authority (LA) Governors- appointed by Bucks Council.
  • Parent Governors- parents from the school elected by the parents.
  • Staff Governors- elected from the school's teaching/ support staff.
  • Foundation Governors- appointed by the Oxford Diocese. They have a particular responsibility for RE and Collective Worship.

The main responsibilities of the Governing Body are:

  • to ensure clarity of vision, ethos, and strategic direction for the work of the school.
  • to support the work of the school as a 'critical friend'
  • to hold the school to account for the educational standards it achieves and the quality of education it provides.
  • to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum is delivered
  • to set staffing levels, assisting in the appointment of teachers and staff
  • to oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent.
  • to monitor health and safety.
  • to ensure all safeguarding procedures are in place


As well as attending meetings and other important events in school life, governors visit the school on an informal basis. The Governing Body no longer operates with a committee structure but instead meets as a whole Governing Board to discuss all aspects of Governance. Minutes of the Governors’ meetings are available upon request and anyone who wishes to contact the Governing Body may do so by contacting Mr Richard Webster our Chair. Further information about our Governors, as well as Register of Governor Interests, can be found by clicking on the links below.

Mr Richard Webster – Chair of Governors  rwebster@eastclaydon.org.uk

Mr Nick Abrams – Co-Vice Chair and Finance Governor

Mrs Jo Cannon – Co-Vice Chair and Safeguarding Governor

Mr Gary Avery- Headteacher

Mrs Hayley Prudhomme – Staff Governor (elected by employees)

Mr Richard Elvin - Parent Governor

Mr Kevin Batchelor- Parent Governor

Mrs Sally Thomson - Foundation Governor

Mrs Kiron Wilcox - Foundation Governor