Our Staff
Mr Gary Avery
Robins (Pre-School)
Mrs Charlotte Isaacs (Lead), Miss Alice Blowing, Miss Emma Self, Mrs Mel Johnston
Puffins (Reception)
Mrs Sally Ganderton, Mrs Amanda Crossley
Swallows (Year 1 and 2)
Mrs Emma Batchelor, Miss Lauren Staley, Miss Esme Johnston
Woodpeckers (Year 3 and 4)
Mrs Kay Duxbury, Mrs Malisa Greenwood, Mrs Helen Bowman (Mon-Thurs)
Golden Eagles (Year 5 and 6)
Mrs Hayley Prudhomme, Miss Emma Hulston, Mrs Helen Gridley (Weds, Thurs, Fri)
Mrs Jennifer Williams
Pastoral Support Officer
Miss Joanne Norman
School Business Manager
Miss Sophie Fox
School Staff (ID 1183)
Jennifer WilliamsSchool SENCo
Jennifer Williams
Sophie FoxSchool Business Manager
Sophie Fox
Jo NormanPastoral Support Officer & DDSL
Jo Norman
Hayley PrudhommeYear 5 & 6 Teacher (Senior Teacher & DDSL)
Hayley Prudhomme
Maths Lead
PE Lead
MFL (French) Lead
Kay DuxburyYear 3 & 4 Teacher
Kay Duxbury
Writing Lead
Art Lead
DT Lead
Emma BatchelorYear 1 & 2 Teacher
Emma Batchelor
Sally GandertonReception Teacher
Sally Ganderton
RE Lead
Geography Lead
History Lead
Charlotte IsaacsPreschool Leader
Charlotte Isaacs
Alice BlowingPreschool Deputy Lead
Alice Blowing
Mel JohnstonPreschool Playleader
Mel Johnston
Emma SelfPreschool Playleader
Emma Self
Emma HulstonLearning Support Assistant
Emma Hulston
Helen GridleyLearning Support Assistant
Helen Gridley
Staff Governor
Malisa GreenwoodLearning Support Assistant
Malisa Greenwood
Lauren StaleyLearning Support Assistant
Lauren Staley
Amanda CrossleyLearning Support Assistant
Amanda Crossley
Helen BowmanLearning Support Assistant
Helen Bowman
Esme JohnstonLearning Support Assistant
Esme Johnston
Carol BriceSchool Cleaner
Carol Brice