Special Education Needs

At East Claydon C of E School, we aim to ensure that we meet the needs of all our pupils.  We are a fully inclusive school and recognise that some pupils will, either permanently, or from time to time, have significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of their age.  All the children in our care are given individual consideration and, wherever appropriate, personalised provision.  Above all, we are dedicated to fostering an inclusive community where all children are encouraged to be independent, take responsibility and act as partners in their own learning.  

Our SENCO is Mrs Jennifer Williams - senco@eastclaydon.org.uk

We have provided a link to our current SEND Report and Policy for 2024/25, which details the support we offer and the processes we follow to support pupils with additional learning needs.  The section on classroom support has been taken out and shared below as the starting point for our practice. 

SEND Report and Policy 2024 to 2025

High quality teaching, differentiated for individual pupils, is the first step in responding to pupils who have or may have SEND. Additional intervention and support cannot compensate for a lack of good quality teaching. The Headteacher and subject leaders regularly and carefully review the quality of teaching for all pupils, including those at risk of underachievement.  This includes reviewing and, where necessary, improving, teachers’ understanding of strategies to identify and support vulnerable pupils and their knowledge of the SEND most frequently encountered.  We follow the graduated approach promoted by the Waves of Support and use this to guide the level of intervention or support we offer.  

To ensure that we are meeting and improving the way that we support the emotional and social development of pupils with SEND, we ensure that any personalisation of learning takes into account pupils’ holistic needs and we work to ensure that all pupils are deeply understood as individuals. 

The school’s approach for teaching pupils with SEND (including pupils who do and do not have an EHC Plan) by adapting the curriculum & learning environment includes:  

 The fundamental commitment that children with SEND are not treated any less favourably than their peers in any situation.  

  • Transition meetings between staff as the children progress through the school so that new teachers are made aware of the range of learning needs in their new cohort.
  • Teachers plan differentiated lessons to meet the range of learning needs and styles in their class.
  • An immersive and creative curriculum is provided that focuses on multi-sensory approaches to learning and is designed with the children to ensure maximum levels of engagement.
  • Hands-on, practical and visual activities are an integral part of learning.
  • Barriers to learning for individual children are identified and plans are put in place to help remove these.
  • Differentiated activities for individuals and small groups help all children to access learning at their level.
  • Teaching Assistants are used to provide support in whole-class teaching activities and to facilitate group and independent work for those with additional learning needs.
  • Provision of alternative recording methods eg tablets, laptops and microphones helps children get their ideas down onto paper without the barrier of physically writing it.
  • Planning in the moment ethos in the Early Years – both in Pre-School and Reception – ensures that all children learn through play but can still be facilitated to take their next learning steps as part of this.
  • Peer coaching is being developed so that children with different skills eg in Forest School or writing, Art or Science, can be linked together so that they can become both teachers and learners.


The School’s approach to providing additional support for learning is:

  • Providing additional resources to support individuals eg visual timetables, cue cards, writing frames, coloured laminates, concrete materials etc.
  • Providing additional resources to enable children to document their learning and ideas eg microphones, talking tins, laptops with Clicker 7, tablets.
  • Utilising the skills of our staff eg. Makaton signing in Pre-School, particularly for those children who are not yet verbal.
  • Providing 1:1 or small group support to help children maintain their focus and ask questions that help them succeed.
  • Intervention times for 1:1 or small group support at the start of the day and during collective worship. These are run by teachers and TAs.
  • Individual speech and language interventions to follow up any SALT involvement with specific children.
  • Interventions during handwriting time to develop a child’s fine-motor skills if this is causing a barrier to writing.
    Social and emotional interventions to build up emotional resilience, develop social stories and build empathy.
  • Support from specialist services eg Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Educational Psychology.

Please click below to see report:

east claydon information report 2024 2025.pdf


Please click the blue banner below to be taken to the Local Offer for SEND from Buckinghamshire.